Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part IV
Donald Trump (DT) - Now, Peter, let's talk business... I want Public to be published in America on the day of may Inauguration...We have two months left...
Peter Throw (PT) - Two months...that's too short a period of time... How do you want to go about it?
DT - Let's start by hiring that fellow... What's his name?... I loved the last two articles of him...One had the title... the title ...oh... I see...The Degree Zero of Democracy!...and the other was even more impressive, but I don't remember the title... You know, Peter, at this age my memory sometimes fails me...
PT- You mean The American Nightmare?...
DT - It's exactly that, The American Nightmare...what an article... sober, elegantly written, well researched, full of bibliographical references, highly philosophical, articulated... and the conclusion is amazing... It will become a classic of American Democracy like Tocqueville's... Well, let's start by bringing this guy to the United States to set up the American Public...
PT -That is the right decision, Don...
DT - Is it?...
PT- Yes, Don...Vincent is the founder and the first CEO of Public in Portugal. He is the soul of Public...he is the soul of the American Dream embodied in Public...
DT- Oh Peter... I am so happy...This intuition of mine for business... For a start, just offer him ten million per year... he will be hired by Trump Holdings... I want Vincent here by November 30th... If he does not accept ten million, raise the offer up to twenty million a year...
PT - Hey Don... please, slow down... slow down ...Vincent will go to America for fifty thousand a year...or less...
DT - What!? A Political scientist of that standing selling himself in the market for just under fifty thousand dollars a year?...
PT - Yes, Don...Well...just let me handle this thing quietly...and we will make a great deal...
(To be continued)
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