Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part III
Donald Trump (DT) - Ok, Peter, great idea. It's done: Peter Throw International Airport at Dallas-Fort Worth ...and it sounds terrific...
Peter Throw (PT) - That's so nice of you, Don...By the way, you said earlier that you started to read the Portuguese press...Which of the Portuguese newspapers do you like the most?...
DT- Oh...Peter...Public....definitely... Public...What a newspaper Public is...They should have millions of readers around the World, I guess...On weekends, I love reading Express seated in the sofa of one of my mansions... I almost became a socialist just reading Express on weekends...
PT - Just twenty thousand, Don...mostly should be the only American reader of Public...
DT-What!? Twenty thousand!? How come!?...
PT - It's true, Don, just twenty thousand...
DT - Then, Peter... I tell you... this is the word of the President of the Unites States: once I get in office I shall make it compulsory for every American to read the Public newspaper everyday...every single day...That will be my first decision in office, instead of the wall with Mexico...
PT - Wait a minute, are exaggerating...
DT - What!?... How come that the newspaper that embodies the American Dream just sells twenty thousand copies around the World!?...No way...I shall close down the NYT and the USA Today, that bunch of socialists, and I shall make Public the national American newspaper!...
(To be continued)
2 comentários:
Quando eu era mais novo e havia uma Feira Popular em Lisboa, uma das diversões eram as barracas de tiros, onde as atendedoras chamavam os passantes com a frase "Ó simpático, vai um tirinho?".
Por uma módica quantia (2$50 ?) podiam-se dar cinco tiros com uma espingarda de pressão de ar.
Das vezes que se acertasse no botão-alvo no centro de um barril, saía um pequeno cálice (hoje anglicisado muito apropriadamente para 'shot'), de uma aguardente (ginginha ou 'eduardinho').
(Deve haver uma razão porque os escritos do PA me trazem isto à memória.)
Outubro 2015
Público (online)
Pág Visitadas: 57.225.729
Pt- Hi Don, forget to mencion online visitors.
DT- what the fuck man. How do you forget that?
Pt- are you mad with me?
DT- get out here. Forget de name in the Dallas airport.
Pt- nooooo, uaaaaaah.
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