17 novembro 2016

Wood Island

Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part V

Donald Trump (DT) - Listen, Peter, at fifty thousand dollars a piece, please send me a plane load of Vincents... a cargo Jumbo jet ...It is part of my Program to teach the American people what Democracy is all about...  Is Vincent a graduate from Harvard?...

Peter Throw (PT) - No, Don...He is a college dropout from Wood Island...

DT - From Wood Island!? ...Oh, Peter...what a beautiful Island...I have been there with Melania a few years ago... We met Christian Ronald and drank plenty of ponchas with the  Prime Minister of the Island, a very interesting guy by the name of... oh, God, this memory of mine... let me see...oh yes... Albert...John...Garden... That's it, Albert John Garden... What an impressive man, Mr. Garden...bold, very much like me...

PT - It was at Wood Island that Vincent learned Theory and Practice of Democracy...

DT - I can still remember that at the time you had a famous philosopher as Prime-Minister in Lisbon... I met him one day in Chamber of Wolves when he visited the Island...a great philosopher, indeed,  by the name of ... oh, God, my  memory at seventy...Plato?

PT - No, Don...Socrates...Socrates...

DT - Yes, Socrates...Did you mention that Vincent became a great Political thinker of Democracy in Wood Island?...

PT- Yes, partly in Wood Island, under the inspiration of Albert John Garden, partly in Lisbon, under the leadership of Socrates...They belong to the same party...

DT - What a long tradition of Democracy you should have in Portugal - what, thousands of years?... - to produce such great teachers of Democracy as Vincent George Sylva...and practitioners of the caliber of John Garden and Socrates ...By the way, Peter, is Mr. Garden still in power in Wood Island today?...

PT - No, not any more...

DT - Is it true that the guy stayed in power longer than Salazar, the dictator?...

PT- Yes, he did...he stayed there for more than thirty-two years...

DT- And did you say that Vincent learned Democracy with him?...

PT - Yes... with Garden and Socrates...

DT -So, Peter, bring Vincent fast to the Unites States!... very fast, indeed! ...I want to stay President of the United States until I turn one hundred-and-two years of age... Vincent shall teach me... And what about Socrates?...I heard that he died... poisoned with hemlock...

PT - That was the Greek Socrates... The Portuguese Socrates went to jail...

DT- To jail...Why!?...

PT - He made too many good friends when he was in power...

DT -  Good friends?...Whaaauuuu!... So bring him too...Fast, Peter, very fast!...Offer him five million dollars a year or so...Do you want me to send Air Force One to bring those two guys right away to the States?...

PT - Calm down, Don...calm down...There are some practical problems to solve...First, I believe that Socrates will go for far less than five million...he is now writing books in Political Theory  that are bought by his friends...

DT- I leave it at your discretion, Peter...But, please, be fast!...I can't wait...I'll hire both of them as my Political advisers...This is what I had in mind when I decided to run for the Presidency: to stay there until I am well past one-hundred years of age and, at the same time, to make lots of good friends...Do you understand what I mean, don't you Peter?....

PT - Sure...I understand....

DT - What an impressive people are the Portuguese!...By the way, Peter...could I buy Wood Island, Vincent included...Is it for sale?...

PT - Not yet, Don...but it might be soon...

DT - What do you mean...soon?

PT - We owe a lot of money to the Germans, and so does Greece...A German lawmaker suggested recently that the Greeks should  put up their Islands for sale...

(To be continued)

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