18 novembro 2016

St. Anthony

Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part VIII

Donald Trump (DT) - What about the judges...should I call the President of the Constitutional Court to get the clearance for Vincent to come to the US?

Peter Throw (PT) - No, Don, you should not do that...

DT - Why not?

PT - The following day that would make the front page of Public as bullying of the President of the United States over the Portuguese Constitutional Court... You don't want to lose the good press you always have had with Public...do you?

DT- Certainly not...I owe my victory to the Portuguese community of New Bedford... all of them read Public, a privilege not open to all Americans right now... 

PT - Now, Don, you were born in a presbyterian family and you attended a presbyterian church and a presbyterian college, didn't you...?

DT - Yes...all my family is calvinist...but what is the point, Peter?

PT- You are too much of a protestant, Don...too much direct...you, the protestants, you pretend to  talk directly to God...

DT- Is it wrong?...

PT -Yes, Don...it is...Have you imagined an American cowboy talking to God...his manners... hat on his head...his brutish talk...eating with his fingers...a gun on his waist...?

DT - So...how should it be done?...

PT - As the Catholic Church teaches you ...you do not talk directly to God...you do it indirectly, through an intermediary, an intercessor - a priest, the Virgin Mary, a saint...

DT - And who is the saint in this case?

PT - St. Anthony.

DT- St. Anthony...who is that guy? I have never known a saint ...there are no saints in  presbyterian churches...

PT - He is from Lisbon, Portugal, but the Italians pretend he belongs to Padua...he is now living in New York...

DT- Are you kidding, Peter!?...A saint in New York!?...Ahahahaha...A saint in New York!...Everybody knows that New York is the city of evil...You just went nuts, Peter, I must tell you...

PT- He just got the top bureaucratic position at the United Nations...

DT- What!?... That nice fellow I saw on CBS the other day...is he Portuguese too?...His name is Tony?

PT - Yes...you got it...but we must keep it secret...we need two more saints...

DT - One is not enough...?

PT - No, the issue is too important...don't forget, to take Vincent to America...we also need the intercession of St. Peter and St. Marcel...

DT - Peter... you are driving me crazy...are you a saint too?...

PT - Step One: I call Tony at the United Nations to tell him that I am calling on behalf of President-elect Donald Trump... that President Trump would be very pleased to invite all the judges of the Portuguese Constitutional Court, and their families, to Washington for the cerimony of his Inauguration in January, all expenses paid... Further, he would be pleased to make available to the Portuguese judges  his five mansions in the United States for them to spend a week or so with their families, all expenses paid.

DT- Go on, Peter...I am listening to you...

PT - Step Two: Tony will call his friend Marcel in Lisbon... if he happens to be in Lisbon...

DT - And then, Peter?... I am starting to get excited about your plan...

PT - Step Three: Marcel will call  the President of the Constitutional Court telling him of your invitation...A dozen of Lisbon families will be extremely happy that day when they get the news...The following day the ladies will run to El Corte Inglès to buy the dresses...

DT - Peter... and how long it will take to get the clearance?...

PT - Less than a day...If we start right now...we should have the clearance of the Constitutional Court by tomorrow  noon...

DT - And what about the legal argumentation to support such an important decision?...It takes time for the judges to write it down...

PT - No, Don...It's ready...They will use the same 354-page document they produced when they gave  clearance for Christian Ronald to move to Manchester United...it's only a matter of changing names...

(To be continued)

3 comentários:

Euro2cent disse...

> a presbyterian college,

Por acaso até passou dois anos por uma escola jesuíta - Fordham.

Ha uns quantos factos aqui: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/07/17/yes-donald-trump-really-went-to-an-ivy-league-school/

A escritora, que assina Valerie Strauss, remata impante: 'I Googled the the words “buffoon” and “Trump” and got about 137,000 results in 0.34 seconds.'

Ah, isso não é nada. Eu meti "valerie strauss moron" e os googles deram "155,000 results (0.67 seconds)"

Já ganhou.

zazie disse...


Anónimo disse...

Eheheh o quê sua puta do caralho