Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part IX
Donald Trump (DT) - Listen, Peter, it's early morning here in New Tork ...Melania is still in bed...but I have already read Saturday's Public throughly...
Peter Throw (PT) - How nice today's Public is to you...
DT - Yeahhh... a beauty!...From today's harvest I want Kings , Francis, Lylian and Monica to write for the American Public... just for a start... Bring them over with Vincent...
PT - Kings is also a former director and CEO of Public...
DT - Great! I want the top people here...My only concern is Monica... just the name, I mean...
They say here in New York - well, it's a republican joke... - that the last time a Monica entered the Oval Office... she transformed it into the Oral Office...
PT - Do you want Joe Perera too?...
DT -What for?
PT - Archivist.
DT - What a marvellous idea, Peter ... We need a great archivist at the American Public... and Joe is the man...
PT - Now, Don, explain to me that great technique of yours to get people on your side... In her article Kings argues forcefully that you won the election because of your mastering of Footsie...What's Footsie all about?...
DT - Easy...Peter... You have your foot on the floor ...I put my foot over yours...
PT - But with such a big foot Don,... don't you cause pain?...
DT- No, Peter, it is just a gentle...magical ... touch of my foot on yours...and you are on my side!...
PT - Fantastic, Don... now I understand how you won the election...But has it to be done necessarily under the table?...
DT - Oh yes, Peter... over the table is very difficult, indeed....Can you figure out the two of us touching feet over the table at dinner?...
(To be continued)
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