Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part VII
Donald Trump (DT) - Now, Peter, let's talk about the details...
Peter Throw (PT) - That's where the problems are, Don...
DT - Why so?
PT - The cultural heritage laws...the gender laws...the environment laws...the patent laws...the competition laws...the transparency laws...the tax laws... and the Constitutional Court...
DT- What do you mean, Peter?...
PT- We must get clearance of all those laws to get the Public newspaper and its founder, Vincent George Sylva, to be published in the United States...both of them are considered to be part of the Portuguese cultural heritage...
DT - How long it will take?...
PT- At least four years...The big law firms will be involved to give legal advice... Hundreds of government lawyers will be called upon to give legal opinions ... from the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Prime Minister's Office, the Tax Department, the Ministry of the Environment, the Commission for Gender Equality, The Observatory for Cultural Affairs... and then, there is ASAE and the Constitutional Court...
DT- ASAE too...?
PT- Yes... to make sure that Vincent will not take with him to the Unites States Berlin balls with deteriorated cream...
DT-What about those legal opinions and advice, are they usually convergent...?
PT - No, that's the problem...they are usually very contradictory indeed... some say "No, neither Vincent nor Public can go to the US"... others say "Yes, both Vincent and Public can go to the US"... and then there are hundreds of them in between, "Yes, but..."... "No, but..."...And all of this is supported in thousands of pages of solid juridical argumentation...
DT - What a mess, Peter...I need Vincent here by November 30th...
PT - Usually this kind of thing ends up in Court, because there are always at least fifteen legal opinions supporting each possible course of action ..."Vincent and Public can go..." ... "Vincent and Public cannot go..."..."Yes, they can go but only by ship..."..."No, they can't go by ship, only by airplane..."..."Yes, they can go but only after December 31st, 2018"... And also " Yes, Public can go but Vincent cannot go..."
DT - Wait a minute, Peter...How can people live in a country with such kind of lawyers?...
PT - If the case goes to Court, as it certainly will, you will not get Public and Vincent in the United States before the Summer of 2037...
DT - What if I pay that batallion of lawyers...?
PT - That's what I was about to suggest ...but you are learning fast the rules of the game...In that case all legal opinions - we cal it Pareceres - will be convergent:"Both Public and Vincent can go to the US without any restriction and they are allowed to depart at any time of their choice".
DT - In that case, how long it will take to get all those legal clearances?...
PT - Less than a day...
DT - Peter... how much?...
PT - Thirty five million dollars will do the job...there are so many lawyers involved...
DT - OK, Peter... go ahead...
PT - Done. I will start with Fourhouses, one of the big Law firms in the country...
DT -Do as you please ...What about MP's?
PT -It's included...most of them are lawyers...
DT -Should I also pay the judges of the Constitutional Court?...
PT - No Don, the judges you should not pay in cash.. For the judges I have a different plan...
(to be continued)
4 comentários:
O PA é um ressentido. Custa acreditar que alguém o leve a sério.
Que tristeza!
Rui Silva
Um homem de elite (e já agora: um cavalheiro) nao destrata publicamente uma mulher. Muito menos usa o passado do pai dela para humilhar o adversário. O rancor não é coisa boa.
O PA um homem de Elite? Entao o homem anda em bicos de pes para se comparar ao brugesso das americas....
A nova PIDE anda vigilante...
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