24 maio 2008

political warfare

A Cath society, as I have been trying to show, can only thrive under an orthodoxy and her natural orthodoxy is Catholicism itself. Under the orthodoxy of Catholicism, a Cath society can rise to unimaginable highs and extraordinary achievements.
My point in this post, though, is to answer the following question: what happens to a Cath society if, for some historical circumstances, the Catholic orthodoxy falls under attack and threatens to fail?
It must be recalled that the cement that keeps a Cath society together, and the very condition of its survival and prosperity, is truth, unique or absolute truth - that is, orthodoxy. This is a society that is particularly intolerant to any doctrine questioning the prevailing orthodoxy.
When the Catholic orthodoxy is attacked and threatens to break up, the first thing people do in a Cath society is to look for a new orthodoxy, as they cannot live without one. Usually, they find it in political ideology. However, whereas Catholic orthodoxy is ultimately based in God's faith and has the potential to unite all the people, political ideology is based on man's reason and does not carry such potential and division, rather than unity, is to be expected. A plurality of orthodoxies - or political parties, assuming conditions of democracy -, each one based on a different political ideology, is the likely outcome.
An interesting question can be asked at this point: if people in the Cath society are not used to think for themselves, if they are used to be told by the ruling elite what to believe, where do these political ideologies come from? Do they create them? Obviously not. People from a Cath society hardly will ever be able to create a new ideology for the simple reason - may I stress it again - that the people in such society are not used to think for themselves. This is specially true of its intellectuals who are the guardians of orthodoxy and, thus, tend to be the most intolerant and narrow-minded class of people in a Cath society. But, then, where do the political ideologies come from? The answer is: from abroad. Cath societies are the importers par excellence of political ideologies.
Not only that. Since the people in Cath societies tend to be very orthodox, as they cannot live without an orthodoxy, imported ideologies tend to be practiced more orthodoxically in Cath societies than in its very countries of origin. Furthermore, as the cardinal sin in Cath societies is heresy, that is, for some people to think differently from the group, not only adherents of any political ideology (or party) tend to be very orthodox, but they also see adherents of any other political ideology (or party) as sinners and enemies of society.
The result is political warfare and the most ferocious political warfare of all as each party sees itself as being right and possessing absolute truth and all other parties as being a bunch of sinners and enemies of society. The end result is paralysis, if not destruction, of public institutions and the state and ultimately paralysis, if not destruction, of society itself.

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