11 fevereiro 2008

Would you expect?

Would you expect to be free in a society where the people who make the laws and the constitution, who interpret them and apply them for you see you as a súbdito? Suppose the government or the administration abuses you; would you expect the courts in this country to acknowledge that you are right and they are wrong? Are you surprised that the people in government and administration claim for themselves privileges that they are not prepared to extend to you? You should not be. After all, they are the masters and you are the súbdito.

Súbditos do revolt from time to time and the history of this country over the last two or three hundred years is a history of periodical revolts. Actually, only súbditos (and slaves) do revolt. Free people never revolt, for they would revolt against whom or what? There is talk again in the country about a silent revolt against the status quo and it is generals who are talking about it. In a country of súbditos (or slaves) generals usually have the last word.

Not so in a free country. Here, it is citizens who have the last word. In a free country citizens are the masters whereas those in government and public administration are their súbditos. These men and women in positons of power are supposed to serve the citizens and that is why they are called public servants in anglo-saxonic countries. You see, in your country it is the other way around. Public servants are the masters, citizens are the súbditos. Would you really expect free, independent men and women to emerge in this society?

Who is to blame, people who are presently in power, or even those Law professors who teach students at universities that citizens are súbditos of power? I do not think so. I have lived long enough under democracy in this country to have observed that people who criticize those in power, once they get themselves to positions of power, actually do the same, if not worse, than their predecessors. In other words, do not blame others. The chances are that if you occupy a position of power you will do as others did in the past, no better nor worse.

For the real difficulty is not with this or that person, but with your culture. Your culture is not fit to produce freedom under democracy. It cannot, when citizens are regarded as súbditos and those in power as their masters. Within such culture democracy is more likely to produce all sorts of abuse and oppression. Until the day you get fed up and revolt - a typical reaction, may I say it again, of a súbdito, not of a free man.

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