24 setembro 2024

A decisão do TEDH (351)

 (Continuação daqui)

351. Columbia University (II)


This decision expanded freedom of expression by reinforcing the protection of political speech on matters of public interest. The judgment underscores the importance of safeguarding freedom of expression in democratic societies, particularly when the speech in question involves commentary on political or administrative matters. Additionally, the Court highlighted that criminal convictions and pecuniary sanctions could have a chilling effect on expression. By emphasizing this point, the ECtHR set an important standard, establishing that such measures, while sometimes justified, must be carefully scrutinized to ensure they do not disproportionately restrict freedom of expression or deter individuals from participating in public debates on issues of general concern.


The decision establishes a binding or persuasive precedent within its jurisdiction.

Fonte: cf. aqui

(Continua acolá)

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