24 setembro 2024

A Decisão do TEDH (350)

 (Continuação daqui)

350. Ghent University

European Court of Human Rights : Almeide Arroja v. Portugal

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) once again has found a violation of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in a criminal defamation case, related to an issue of public interest. The ECtHR in particular observed that the criminal conviction of the applicant appeared to be manifestly disproportionate, as the Portuguese Civil Code provided for a specific remedy in respect of damage to honour and reputation. The ECtHR also found the award of damages to which the applicant was convicted manifestly disproportionate, also taking into consideration that the critical statements were formulated during an interview on a local TV channel with only a limited audience. The ECtHR found that a sanction of this nature and severity could be liable to deter individuals from discussing matters of legitimate public concern, having a “chilling effect” on the freedom of expression.
Fonte: cf. aqui.

Comentário. Numa área de estudos tão provinciana como é o Direito em Portugal, o Tribunal da Relação do Porto está a ganhar dimensão internacional, graças aos seus juízes Pedro Vaz Patto e Francisco Marcolino.
(Continua acolá)

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