22 setembro 2024

A Decisão do TEDH (347)

 (Continuação daqui)

347. Columbia University

A reputação do Tribunal da Relação do Porto vai vencendo fronteiras e já chegou à conceituada Columbia University, nos EUA. Do Porto que, até agora, os americanos provavelmente só conheciam o Vinho, passam, a partir de agora, também a conhecer o Tribunal da Relação. O juiz Pedro Vaz Patto, que redigiu aquela obra de arte, deve estar orgulhoso, ainda vai ser proposto para o Prémio Nobel da Liberdade de Expressão.

Cito (ênfases meus):

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled that the State of Portugal violated José Pedro Almeida Arroja’s right to freedom of expression after domestic courts criminally convicted him of defamation and causing offence to a legal person for discussing how political interests allegedly negatively influenced the construction of a hospital. Almeida Arroja made remarks on a television program suggesting that due to the influence of a politician and his law firm, the construction of the pediatric wing for the São João Hospital was halted. As a result, he was charged with defamation and causing offence to a legal person. The Matosinhos Criminal Court sentenced him to pay a fine of EUR 4,000 and ordered him to pay EUR 5,000 in compensation to the law firm for non-pecuniary damages, for the crime of causing offence to a legal person, although it acquitted him of the defamation charges. His conviction was upheld by the Porto Court of Appeal which also convicted Almeida Arroja of aggravated defamation and increased the value of the fine and the damages. The Supreme Court of Portugal rejected Almeida Arroja’s appeal. The ECtHR found that the Portuguese courts failed to properly balance Almeida Arroja’s right to freedom of expression and the right to reputation. Furthermore, the Court determined that the sanctions imposed on Almeida Arroja were disproportionate and unjustified in a democratic society, highlighting the public interest in the issues he discussed.

Fonte: cf. aqui

(Continua acolá)

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