06 abril 2020

virtually impossible

Foi prevendo o que iria acontecer que eu escrevi este post (cf. aqui):

E aquilo que aconteceu foi que o último grande feito heroico dos portugueses no Oriente está a correr mundo e faz parangonas na imprensa internacional (cf. aqui):

Vale a pena reproduzir alguns parágrafos porque nos enchem de orgulho (ênfases meus). Desde a operação dos americanos para capturar o bin Laden no Paquistão que não se via coisa assim:

"With banks closed in Portugal until Monday morning, already after the deadline set by the supplier, it was virtually impossible to prevent the cancellation of this order (…)

The operation was being closely followed at the highest level in Portugal – the Government, CGD´s top management, and IGCP, which manages State financing (…)

At 8:30 the next day, as banking operations resumed in BNU´s operations floor in Macau, 90 minutes before the deadline set by the Chinese manufacturer, a team was already in place to immediately ensure payment (…)

According to BNU sources, confirmation swifts of the transfer were quickly issued and ready about 60 minutes before the deadline (…)

(…) these confirmation codes were sent to Portuguese embassy in Beijing, that ensured the manufacturer received them ahead of the deadline".


-E os ventiladores?

-Pois... os ventiladores é que ainda não se sabe deles… diz o embaixador que serão entregues no próximo dia 15 na embaixada em Pequim (cf. aqui).


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