21 novembro 2016


Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part XII

Donald Trump (DT) - It's absolutely fantastic...Peter ...I go every morning through Public to find a journalist or an opinion-maker who is unfavourable to me...and I can never find one!...

Peter Throw (PT) - Yeaahhh, Don... Public is an unbiased, pluralistic, democratic newspaper...

DT - Look, Peter... I  want Esther  in  the United States...

PT - What do you want Esther for?

DT- The jews...Peter...the jews...I need her to increase my popularity among the jews...Have you seen how I lost the jewish vote?...She will head the Jewish Section of the American Public...

PT - Catholics, in turn, were great to you, Don....

DT - Top... Peter... top... I should have followed Melania's advice long ago and convert to catholicism...

PT - Yeaahhh, Don...you should...

DT - Now, Peter... I have been  following you for years on Contemporary Portugal and I liked very much that last piece of yours titled You could guess... I am curious... What would you do if you were that man, the father, who returned home from work after a long absence and saw his family house destroyed by some of his own kids?...

PT - I would start  shouting, Don!... I would start shouting furiously at them!...

DT- ...So would I, Peter...Actually, that was what I did in the US campaign...shouting!... We look so much alike, Peter...that's probably why they call me here the American Peter Throw...

PT - Voters saw in you the man, the father ...should I say, the Pope... - who will put the house in order...Catholics do believe in the Pope...the man in charge of the house...jews don't believe in the Pope, neither do protestants nor muslims...

DT - I tell you Peter...what a miracle...I can't still believe it...Donald Trump turned US Pope!...

PT - By the way... have you noticed that Esther does not believe in miracles?...

DT - But she should...shouldn't she, Peter...?

PT - Oh yes, Don... the greatest miracles I have ever seen in politics and finance were made by the jews...

DT - Is that true, Peter...?

PT - Look at this one, Don... There are only 600 jews in Portugal in a  population of 10 million. The probability of this country having a jewish President is 0,00006... virtually nil... a practical impossibility. And yet, we got one a few years ago...

DT- What a miracle, Peter...indeed...I guess your former President is  Public-friendly and  Trump-friendly as well... right?

PT - Oh, sure... everybody that shows up in Public is a friend of your, Don...

DT - Just a question, Peter...the gypsies...do the gypsies write for Public too?...gypsies outnumber jews in Portugal, don't they?...

PT - Gypsies don't write for Public, Don...there is only one gypsy who shows up sometimes in Public ... but only when he scores for the Portuguese Soccer Team or makes an assistance to Christian Ronald...

DT - Who is that?

PT - Rick Lent.

DT- Now Peter, I need your advice on a financial matter...Should I sack Janet Yellen?

PT - Yes, you should...that zero-interest-rate policy ... in Europe is even worse, interest rates are negative... is the most unnatural thing I have ever seen in the world of economics...it is the world of economics upside down... there is no incentive to save in this world...

DT - I quite agree with you, Peter, ...but they say it stimulates investment...

PT - Baloney, Don, ...How do you invest without savings...?...Just fire Yellen and set up a positive interest rate policy...

DT- She says she is protected by the independence of the Fed...

PT - Tell her that for a catholic nobody is independent from the Pope ...and that you are the US Pope!...

DT - She is jewish, Peter... jewish like Esther...and the jews do not believe in popes neither do they believe in miracles...

PT - Don't they? They should... Yellen is herself  a miracle as President of the Fed, the most powerful central bank in the World, the greatest money-producing institution that the World has ever seen...

DT - What do you mean, Peter... Yellen is herself a miracle...?

PT - Look, Don... Jews represent 1,8% of the American population...The probability of three jews in a row occupying that position is 0,000006...an event that is virtually impossible. And yet Yellen is there, just after Greenspan and Bernanke, both of them jews.  I doubt that even Christ could make such a miracle.

(To be continued)

4 comentários:

Ricciardi disse...

Como se investe sem poupanças?
O Don sabe isso melhor do que ninguém. Ele próprio afirma que adora dívida. E tem sido com dívida que construiu o império que tem.
Dont forget Peter, alguém no mundo poupa para eu contrair dívida.

Ricciardi disse...

By the way Don, porque raios sendo os jews tão poucos a tua filha acaba a casar com um?

Ricciardi disse...

Well, then, Peter you are a dizer que é um milagre que, sendo tão poucos (os jews), tenham posições de destaque. Será um milagre de Deus, Peter?
Ou terá essa rapaziada judaica competências, mérito e excelência próprio?
Milagre de Deus ou mérito próprio?
You believe em milagres, but at the same time parece não acreditares que eles existam.
Anyway, Peter, i want american people a gastar and empresas a facturar. E como quero eu que isso seja feito?
Well, Peter, eu quero que as empresas tenham lucros e que paguem bons salários. A poupança depende da existência de lucros e rendimentos. Sem isso não ha poupancazinha.

José Lopes da Silva disse...

"I tell you Peter...what a miracle...I can't still believe it...Donald Trump turned US Pope!..." (now)

"A Catholic government in a Protestant society is not a good prospect. In a democratic environment, it is clear that such government would not be re-elected. Most likely some of its members would be murdered while in office."
