Transcript of the Conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part XI
Donald Trump (DT) - It is amazing the things that I can learn when I pick up my daily copy of Public... Plato's dream of the Philosopher-Prime-Minister is made true in Portugal... in the person of his own predecessor...Socrates...
Peter Throw (PT) - Yeaahhh...he has just published a new book... The Profane Gift: Charisma...where he predicted that you would win the election...
DT - Peter... please tell Joe that I will buy one million copies of his need to ask other friends...And that I want him to head the Philosophy Section of the American Public...
PT- Philosophy Section, Don...?
DT - Yes, Peter... Our Founding Fathers were conversant with the great philosophers of their time... such as David Hume and Adam Smith...I want to be the James Madison of the 21st century... and I need Joe Socrates to guide me...
PT - By the way, Don, ...Did you know that Hume and Smith were gay... they had a long-time, intimate relationship which lasted until the death of David Hume?...
DT - Is that true, Peter!?...Are you sure about that?!... Are you really sure!?
PT - Yes, is the first known gay relationship between two modern philosophers...
DT - How come that Public never taught me that?... I am ashamed, Peter!...Two of the inspirational philosophers of the American Dream were gay!?...I cannot believe it!...
PT - They were both presbyterians like you, Don ...even though Hume ended up as an atheist...both belonged to the so called Scottish School of Moral Philosophy...
DT - And what does that School say about Morals, Peter?
PT - Basically, they say that it is Moral whatever pleases you...It is Moral à la carte ...You see the implication, Don...If a gay relationship pleases you, then homosexuality is Moral...
DT - How could they say that, Peter!?... How come that Public never told me!?...I can now understand why the LGBT community first came to the open in the United States of America...
PT - It is more than that, Don...This is the consequence of encouraging the common people to read the Bible... that mania of presbyterians and other protestant sects alike... These people end up interpreting the Bible as they please...
DT - Peter...just a little question... this is an intimate question which should remain between the two of us only there a way for me to become catholic?...
PT - Yes, Don... just ask a priest at the first catholic church near you...
DT - Actually, Melania has been insisting with me for years to know, she comes from Slovenia...a tiny, fiercely catholic country...
PT - Just follow her advice...
DT - Do you think that Jesus can still save me after being for so long with the presbyterian heresy...?
PT - For sure, he will...
DT - Is he still coaching Benfica?... The last time I heard of him was in The Ball when Benfica became champion for a second time in a row... a true miracle of Jesus...
PT- No, he is not there anymore...Are you a fan of Benfica, Don?
DT - Yes, Peter... Red! ... I love Red!'s the colour of the Republican Party...I long for the day that all of the electoral map of the United States is painted in red...I count on the American Public to achieve that...
PT - You almost got it this time, Don...
DT - Yeaahhh, Peter...By the way, tell my friend Chick of the Coast that the Blue Era has come to an end...and that a new era has begun, The Red Era... thanks to a miracle of Jesus...
PT - I certainly will do so...
DT - Now, Peter, tell me ... Is Jesus as good at writing as he is at coaching?...If so, I will hire him as the Head of the Sports Section of the American Public...
PT - No, Don, Jesus never wrote anything...except on sand...
DT- What about he good at talking? I can offer him a position as Director of Communications at the American Public...
PT - Well, Don ... let's change subjects...
DT - Peter... I am amazed by how many important, historical people choose Portugal for a living...Socrates... Jesus... Have you been lately with Pythagoras?
PT - No Don... I haven't.
1 comentário:
Ah, o 'ninja-edit' ;-)
Primeiro rezava assim:
Transcript of the Conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part XII
Donald Trump (DT) - The amazing things I learn when I pick up my morning copy of Public... Plato's dream of the Philospher-Prime-Minister made true in Portugal... in the person of his own predecessor...Socrates...
Peter Throw (PT) - Sorry, Don... I must go wife is calling me downstairs...I'll get back to you talk to you about catholic wives... By the way, Melania is from Slovenia, isn't she?...I've been there recently...What a tiny, nice, impressively catholic country...
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