Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part XXII
Donald Trump (DT) - What is the name of that great patriot of yours who used to write for Public?...I can't recall his name...
Peter Throw (PT) - ...
DT - ... that polished gentleman who always has nice things to say about Portuguese people...
PT - ...
DT - ... who seems to be a very brave man when he has a pen in his hand...
PT - I don't know whom you are talking about, Don... polished ... brave...used to write for Public... I don't know...
DT - I hope you have sent me that man, Peter ...I need him to head the Good-mouthing section of the American Public ... what's his name...?... Oh Peter, my memory at seventy...
PT - OK, Don... let's talk about your priorities on Immigration while you try to recall his name...
DT - My goal is to protect the American workers from illegal immigration...
PT - What's the problem, Don?......
DT - You see, American worker to make 70 net has to sell his services in the marketplace for 100, because 30% are ilegal immigrant with the same skills can sell himself for 70 because he does not pay taxes...he will steal the job from the American...
PT - It's unfair competition, indeed...
DT - Oh Peter...please, help me...that former columnist of Public... I remember he had a great hero... by the name of Olivetree Martins, I guess...
PT -... a former columnist of Public ...a polished, brave man...Olivetree Martins as his hero... frankly, Don, I cannot identify your guy...
DT - My assistant-secretary tells me that he now writes for The Observer ... unfortunately I don't read that paper, only Public... I like him so much...
PT - Don... I don't know... I don't know ... I don't know...Let's get back to Immigration...Are you against immigration, Don?...
DT -...look, Peter...he is a former MP but quit Parliament because the restaurant was too small and the menu repetitive... can't you remember his name?...
PT - ...
DT - ... Listen, Peter ... I am not against immigration...The United States is a country of immigration...All Americans are immigrants or descendants of immigrants... Do you know the inscription at the bottom of the statue of Liberty?...
PT - “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”...
DT - Every single year one million people enter the United States as legal a decade that represents a full Portugal worth of immigrants... What I am against is illegal immigration... there are 11 million illegal workers in the USA, seventy percent of them from Mexico...
PT - What are you planning to do about that?
DT - First, the Department of Labour will exercise greater scrutiny over illegal workers in America...Second we will reinforce border controls with Mexico...
PT - What about the wall...?
DT - Well... Peter...that's a solution of last is not in the cards right now...
PT - OK, Don...just one more point on illegal immigration...
DT - Yes, Peter...
PT - I've sent you an illegal immigrant...hidden in the cargo hold of USS Vincent...
DT - Did you Peter?...How am I going to explain that to the American people?...
PT - As a gift from Portugal...
DT - And...who is that, Peter?
PT - Polished Brave.
1 comentário:
"an ilegal immigrant with the same skills can sell himself for 70 because he does not pay taxes"
É falso. Os ilegais pagam impostos nos EUA. A diferença entre Portugal e os EUA é precisamente neste ponto. Independentemente da existência de visto de trabalho, os trabalhadores (legais e ilegais) pagam imposto sobre rendimentos. Até têm conta bancária.
O irs trabalha com total independência dos serviços de fronteiras e estrangeiros.
Por esta razão é que o mercado paralelo nos EUA é muito menor que o português. Eles, o IRS, não querem saber se o contribuinte está legal ou ilegal. Pagam e não bufam.
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