Peter Throw (PT) - Finally, Don...let's talk about Ethics reform and conflicts of interest... the last topic of your vídeo...
Donald Trump - Peter... I will impose a five-year ban on former public oficials becoming lobbyists and a life-time ban on former public officials lobbying on behalf of foreign governments...
PT - That's tough, Don...
DT - Sure it is, Peter ... but we need in America a profound reform on the rules governing the behaviour of public officials and politicians...
PT - How do you plan to go about it?
DT - The American Public, Peter... The American Public will be my key instrument to persuade the American people of the need for such an urgent, momentous, ethical reform...
PT - What's the problem of former public officials and politicians lobbying on behalf of private and foreign interest, Don...?
DT- What is the problem...Peter...!?... You ask!?... Actually, you have a nice word in Portuguese to describe what the problem is ... a word which unfortunately has no translation in English...
PT - Cunha... you can translate it as some sort of personal leverage...
DT - That's it... Cuna ... that's the word, Peter... Cuna...that's what I will fight against ... the Cuna!
PT - Be carefull, Don ... I understand you have some trouble with the sound nh... but just be careful with the mistakes with the vowels, please....
DT - C...u...n...a... I'll fight the Cuna in America, Peter!... America has never been and never will be a Cuna country!...Never, Peter!
PT - Wait a minute, Don ... I think you should adopt a more moderate position...If Gof put Cunhas in the World it is because there must be some good in them...
DT - Frankly, Peter, I can't see any...
PT - Try to discuss this matter with Joe P. Peartree...He seems to be in favour of Public Cunhas...
DT - What...Public Cunas!?... No way, Peter...If anything, I will allow only Private Cunas in America...Can you imagine the reaction of the American people seeing Cunas exposed in public?...
PT - Wait a minute, Don ... I think you should adopt a more moderate position...If Gof put Cunhas in the World it is because there must be some good in them...
DT - Frankly, Peter, I can't see any...
PT - Try to discuss this matter with Joe P. Peartree...He seems to be in favour of Public Cunhas...
DT - What...Public Cunas!?... No way, Peter...If anything, I will allow only Private Cunas in America...Can you imagine the reaction of the American people seeing Cunas exposed in public?...
PT - OK, Don ... let's move ahead...Does your life-time ban on public officials and politicians lobbying on behalf of foreign governments also extend to foreign corporations...?
DT- Sure, it does...all sorts of multinational, foreign corporations ...industrial .... name it, Peter...
PT - In that case, I believe I've sent you the right guy to head the Ethics section of the American Public, Don...
DT- Did you, Peter...? ... Has he a clean record on matters of conflict of interest? ... is he sufficiently tough to fight this battle on my behalf ?... what about his experience on the job?...
PT - He is very tough, indeed... he has lots of experience...he is very qualified for the job...
DT - Does he like me too, Peter?...
PT - Very much so, indeed...
DT - What's his name, Peter?
PT - Tough Muddy.
1 comentário:
CUNA. Lol! Essa foi boa!
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