05 junho 2013

Sair do €?

"The tenacity with which Mediterranean voters clutch at the euro, even as it drags them under, is bewildering. Across Southern Europe, the single currency has meant layoffs, tax rises, bankruptcies, emigration and despair. Most people know it: you won’t find many Greeks, Spaniards, Cypriots or Portuguese who speak fondly of the single currency, or of the politicians who took them into it. Yet, oddly, you find even fewer who are prepared to contemplate alternatives." Daniel Hannan

Pois é. Não podemos viver com o € nem sem o €. Daniel Hannan surpreende-se com a tenacidade com que as populações dos países em crise, apesar de tudo, se agarram ao € e dele não querem sair.

Pois a razão, deve ser mais ao menos o que escrevi aqui em:

"Lamento, mas não confio nas nossas elites"

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Temos elites?