02 agosto 2012

ouro olímpico paga impostos nos EUA

Athletes who win a gold medal also earn a $25,000 honorarium — and with it an $8,986 tax bill to the IRS, according to Americans for Tax Reform, which crunched the numbers. That covers both the honorarium and the tax on the value of the gold in the medal itself.
The silver medal tax comes to $5,385, and the bronze medal tax is $3,502 — including $2 for the value of the bronze medal itself, and the $10,000 honorarium.
That could leave amateur athletes — in many cases still teenagers — facing stiff tax bills when they return to the U.S.

Comentário: Os EUA tornaram-se numa sociedade disfuncional.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Os EUA tornaram-se uma sociedade disfuncional? A serio?
O que nao parecem tornarse de vez é a sociedade utópica dos neotontitos...

Vamos ver que nao é o ouro olimpico quem paga impostos senao athletes who win a gold medal also earn a 25.000 honorarium tax bill to the IRS 8.986.
Isto vem a ser justamente um 35%.

E os pobrecitos que ganham um bronzecito?

10.000 honorarium bronze medal tax is 3.502. Justamente um...35% !!!

Mas ja para isso ja temos um Marco Rubio que ameazou ir lá ao Senado para desfazer este erro:

"Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate Wednesday that he would exempt Olympic athletes from paying taxes on their medals saying “our tax code is a complicated and burdensome mess that too often punishes success, and the tax imposed on Olympic medal winners is a classic example of this madness.”

A partir de agora só vao pagar IRS as medals winner gold...medal silver and bronze medal vao ficar exentas de pago por loosers...