22 abril 2011


Deveríamos obrigar os nossos concidadãos à prática do bem? A caridade (no sentido de caritas) deveria ser imposta?
S. Paulo, na segunda carta aos coríntios, afirma que não:
2 Coríntios 9:7
Cada um contribua segundo o que decidiu no seu coração, sem relutância, ou por obrigação; porque Deus ama ao que dá com alegria.
O Arcebispo da Cantuária afirma que sim:
"What about having a new law that made all Cabinet members and leaders of political parties, editors of national papers and the hundred most successful financiers in the UK spend a couple of hours every year serving dinners in a primary school on a council estate, or cleaning bathrooms in a residential home?" he suggested.
Alternatively, he said, they could spend a night working in town centres as street pastors "ready to pick up and absorb something of the chaos and human mess you will find there, especially among young people".

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