04 abril 2010

uma mulher de soalheiro

Andrew Sullivan, o autor deste ataque soez ao Papa Bento XVI, é uma celebridade da sarjeta. Homossexual assumido, portador do vírus da SIDA, activista político e difamador encartado, dá nas vistas pelo excesso e falta de vergonha. Este caso e este são paradigmáticos.
PA tem razão, portanto, em chamar-lhe cobarde e lhe dizer que não tem o comportamento de um verdadeiro homem.

Ver nos comentários ao artigo citado:

Pedro Arroja wrote:

Dear Dr. Sullivan,

I just would like to add one more point to my previous comment.
You are not alone in that very old Anglo-american tradition of denouncing and persecuting people, specially if they are Catholic. You are not even original at that. Your forefathers did it before you, and the editorial staff of The Times has been doing it as eloquently as you.
But that game of attacking Catholic priests, and the Pope in particular, is a very coward game indeed, because their code of conduct does not allow them to attack you back. In the face of your offenses, they are supposed to turn the other face.
The morally degrading offenses you throw at the Pope, I am quite confident that you wouldn't dare to throw at any common man without paying dearly for the consequences. It would take a true man to do that. And you admit in your article that you are not truly a man.

P. Arroja (Portugal)

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