29 junho 2008

did not

"Assim, podemos concluir em relação ao Arroja que ou estamos diante do maior génio do nosso século ou somente diante de mais um impostor. Eu me inclino para a segunda hipótese (...)".
(Bonifácio, commenting on this post)

I would not dismiss the first possibility so easily. First, because what is here said about Arroja is exactly the same that people said about Christ in His lifetime. Second, because both men were outsiders and concerned with truth. Third, because there is a subtle coincidence between these two men in the number of letters in their names: Jesus (Pedro) Christ (Arroja). Fourth, because one of these two men bears the names of both the father (José) and the successor (Pedro) of the other. The real big difference between them is that Christ did not wear glasses.

1 comentário:

BLUESMILE disse...

Não é por nada, mas acho que o Arroja devia retomar a medicação.
Vai ver que isso melhora.