15 maio 2008

an aloof prime-minister

"Tinha o convencimento que se podia fumar [a bordo do avião], pois a verdade é que sempre aconteceu (fumar) nas viagens anteriores que realizámos. Portanto estava convencido que não estava a violar nenhuma lei nem nenhum regulamento".

"Se, por algum motivo, violei alguma lei e algum regulamento, lamento (...)".

"Tenho agora consciência que os fumadores, inconscientemente, podem violar normas e regulamentos que aliás desconhecem".
(Público, today, p. 4).

Whoever said this certainly believes that his fellow-citizens are stupid (rather than wicked). He most likely comes from a Catholic country and is lucky at that for, otherwise, he would have already been forced to resign, or alternatively, would certainly be fired in the next elections.

If he is a prime-minister, he is an aloof prime-minister (a very Catholic feature, by the way; see below) for he has never noticed that the laws of the country ban smoking on planes.

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