05 abril 2008

You might be surprised

The idea that the Church should not get involved in politics is a very odd one, indeed, as it runs counter the whole of the Christian tradition. To Caeser what is Caeaser's, to God what is God's is probably the most famous political statement by Christ. In my view it is to the involvement of the Church in politics that we owe the Western tradition of individual liberty.

Being an institution that sees herself as dealing with the governance of mankind the Church is primarily a political institution and, may I add, the most successful of all such institutions as it survived all other political institutions that mankind has experimented with.

The new Cathecism of the Church published in 1992 under the direction of then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is a superb condensation of the Church´s doctrines in its various domains, including politics, and a large number of its 2865 articles are devoted to this subject. I would characterize the Church's political philosophy as one of personal or humane liberalism.

The thrust of the Church's philosophy in this area is the protection of the human person against the abuses of civil power. You might be surprised to find there the open defense of civil disobedience and even armed revolt (Cat: 2242-2243)

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