30 março 2008

thrice or the undermining of Christianity

Almost a year ago I wrote that when it comes to social ideas originating from Jewish intellectuals I take twice as much precaution in accepting them as I usually do when they come from different sources. I must admit that since that time I have changed my position. I take now thrice as much precaution.

Those ideas include Marxism, Rand's Objectivism, Mises' Liberalism, Rothbard's Anarchism, at least. I do not mean to reject all the ideas put forward by these authors. On the contrary, I consider that on specific issues all of them made significant contributions to social thought. I mean that I would not like to live, and I would not recommend anyone to live, in the societies whose blueprints they have developed for us.
All such blueprints are revolutionary, overly rationalistic and atheistic. Their proposed societies do not have a God, much less a religion. If civilization is indeed based on religion, much more than reason and science, theirs would be impossible societies to live in, most likely true infernos. Actually the Marxist blueprint was already put in practice and failed. I fear the other would produce similar results, if not worse.
A different question is to know why Jewish intellectuals like those mentioned above are so often the authors of those impressive, extremely rational blueprints which, if adopted in practice, would contribute to imporevish, if not to destroy, our mostly Christian civilization. I must say that I do not believe they do it on purpose. Actually, I believe that the undermining of Christian civilization is congenial to Jewish culture ("está-lhes na massa do sangue", as the Portuguese people would say in their wisdom).
Voltaire, who did more than any other Western intellectual to grant freedom of expression to the Jews, shared this view. French Jewish writer Bernard Lazare referring to the role Jews played in the creation of eighteenth century secret societies and Free Masonry, which were instrumental to the success of the French Revolution, wrote in 1894:
"(...) secret societies gave expression in a way to the two fold nature of the Jew, on the one hand a rigid rationalism, on the other that pantheism which, beginning as the metaphysical reflection of the belief in one God, often ended in a sort of Kabbalistic theurgy. There would be little difficulty in showing how these two tendencies worked in harmony; how Cazotte, Clagliostro, Martinez, Saint-Martin, the Compte de Saint Gervais and Eckarstshausen were practically in alliance with the Encyclopedists and Jacobins, and both, in spite of their seeming hostility, succeeded in arriving at the same end, the undermining, namely, of Christianity".
(Bernard Lazare, Anti-Semitism: Its History and Causes, The University of Nebraska Press, 1995, pp. 153-4).

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