27 setembro 2024

A Decisão do TEDH (355)

 (Continuação daqui)

355. Medidas a adoptar

Eis as medidas que o Estado português se comprometeu a adoptar perante o Conselho da Europa no seguimento do acórdão do TEDH Almeida Arroja v. Portugal:


1. Publication, communication and diffusion:

a) The judgment was publicized online on the official website of the Prosecutor’s General Office (Procuradoria-Geral da República); 

 b) The judgment was transmitted to the Superior Council of the Judiciary (Conselho Superior da Magistratura) in view of its dissemination among judges and public prosecutors and transmitted to the Centre for Judicial Studies (Centro de Estudos Judiciários) so that it can be included in the training courses for magistrates. 

 2. Other: 

 The Centre for Judicial Studies (Centro de Estudos Judiciários) has organised a number of training activities for judges and prosecutors in recent years, focusing on the area of freedom of expression (the programmes, some supporting material and the video webcasts are available at:

 https://cej.justica.gov.pt/Forma%C3%A7%C3%A3o/Forma%C3%A7%C3 %A3o-Cont%C3%ADnua/Hist%C3%B3rico-Forma%C3%A7%C3%A3o Cont%C3%ADnua-Outras-tem%C3%A1ticas): 

 - “Magistratura, dever de reserva, liberdade de expressão e redes sociais” [“The Judiciary, Duty of Discretion, Freedom of Expression and Social Media”]; 

- “Magistrados e jornalistas em diálogo: Removendo obstáculos e construindo pontes de comunicação, para reforço do Estado de Direito” 

[“Magistrates and Journalists in Dialogue: Removing Barriers and Building Bridges of Communication to Strengthen the Rule of Law”]; - “Humor, Direito e Liberdade de Expressão” [“Humour, Law and Freedom of Expression”]. 

At the suggestion of the Department for the Execution of Judgments, a proposal has been made to the Centre for Judicial Studies (Centro de Estudos Judiciários) to include in the training plan for judges and prosecutors a specific activity devoted to the right to freedom of expression and to the European Court’s case-law on this matter, with the participation of lawyers from the Department and/or from the Court and with the participation of judges form the Court, particularly in the framework of its confrontation with the protection of individual reputation and honour (in the context of exercising the right to information, among others).


Fonte: cf. aqui

(Continua acolá)

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