Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part XVIII
Peter Throw (PT) - Now, Don... Let's talk about Regulation... another top priority for the first hundred days of your Administration
Donald Trump (DT) - Yes, Peter...
PT - For each new regulation your Administration is prepared to issue you promise to scrap two old regulations...
DT - Yes...that's my goal...
PT - Why, Don...?
DT - You know, Peter...Government regulation is the most important weapon that the rich and the socially powerful can use to make sure that the poor do not get rich and the humble do not get powerful...
PT - Are you sure?
DT - Most regulations are made by the rich and the powerful to protect the rich and the powerful...The poor and the humble do not have access to the legislative process, Peter...
PT - On this, I can agree with you...
DT - Government regulation is the great obstacle you can put in the way of the American Dream...that's why our Founding Fathers defended some sort of a minimal state...
PT - But we do need laws, don't we?...
DT - Sure we need laws...but we do not need most regulations...
PT - What is the difference?
DT - Laws are general, abstract rules of conduct that are based on tradition...they are generally of a negative character...
PT - For example...
DT - You shall not kill ...You shall not steal...
PT - What about regulations?
DT - Regulations are Government commands ... they are concrete in the sense that they aim at achieving certain ends... they are addressed to a particular group of people...and they generally possess a positive character ...
PT - Could you give us some examples, Don?
DT - Minimum wage legislation... gender and drug legislation...most environmental legislation...Actually, you have good examples in Portugal, Peter...
PT - Do we?
DT - Yes...most of what ASAE deals with are governments regulations...not laws in the proper sense of the word... Most of your licensing legislation is pure regulation...
PT - You seem to have read Hayek's classic Law, Legislation and Liberty...
DT - I didn't Peter...I learned it from Christ and the Pharisees...
PT - Did you, Don? ... How?
DT- The Pharisees were the big legislators, the big regulators...Christ, the radical anti-regulator...Christ retained the laws of the Jews, but refused the legislation...
PT - Examples, Don...
DT - The hand-washing rules, the divorce rules, the rule that prohibited people from working on Saturdays, the rule that set men and women apart in name it, Peter
PT - I can't agree more, Don... If it were not for Christ you and me...both of us would be today second-class citizens... the Jews being the People of God ...
DT- Yes, Peter... the American Dream is an old Christian Dream that was made real in America...
2 comentários:
Arre, que esta "takes the cake".
O mais belo exemplo de "república 2.0", o mecanismo preferido da aristocracia de lordes iguais, agora é o sonho cristão, que sempre foi monárquico, do pastor que protege e governa o seu rebanho ...
A publicidade é forte, mas não é preciso acreditar nela.
Quase 10 anos sem tabaco nos cafés e posso lá ir com os miúdos, pois graças a Deus toda a gente cumpre tranquilamente, ao contrário do que se previa.
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