Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part XIX
Peter Throw (PT) - So, Don... Did you like Ruizau's first article from New York?...
Donald Trump (DT) - Marvellous, Peter ...marvellous...
PT - Education, Don... education is the problem of America...
DT - By the way, Peter...why are so many Public guys bearded?...
PT - That's their secret sign as educators of the masses... Did you notice that I also sent you Joyful?...
DT - Oh Peter... I love Joyful...his poetry...his strong voice... his beard... I'll make him the head of the Poetry Section of the American Public...
PT - Did you appreciate his concern with populism...?
DT - So much, much... How come that it didn't occur to me before?... Let me try to restate it...If we win elections it's democracy...if we lose them it's populism...How great!...
PT - Now, Don... Ruizau says that the American people are open-mouthed... open-mouthed, Don...why?...
DT - Oh, Peter... sure they are... You should have seen them yesterday by the millions at the New York harbour when the Public people got onshore ...
PT - Did you like São José?...
DT - I loved her ... and so did Melania...(no competition possible, Peter...)... I'll make Saint Joseph head of the Gender Section of the American Public...
PT - Did you like fearless Dave?...
DT - What a nice, well-cared beard...I'll let myself grow a beard like his...
PT - Don, I was quite concerned by Ruizau's statement...well...let me quote in Portuguese...
DT - Go ahead, Peter
PT - Em surdina, os americanos dos EUA ouvem pela primeira vez na vida: bem-vindos ao mundo real.
DT - What strikes you, Peter?...
PT - In surdina, Don...are you really doing it in surdina, Don!?...
DT - Yes, Peter... unfortunately...that's true...we are doing it in surdina...
PT - For the first time, Don ...aren't you ashamed!?... for the first time Americans are coming to the real World, Don...?...
DT - Yes, Peter... for the first time... We had the 4th of July, we now have the 24th of November, the day Public arrived in America... Today is day one... the first day of Civilization in America...
PT- Great!
DT - Now, Peter...What do you think is the first revolutionary action that Ruizau will take as leader of the Free Party of America?
PT - He will free the American word exceptionalism from the letter p.
2 comentários:
Estou em dúvida acerca deste ser imaginado pelo PA- o Don.
Não tenho ainda a certeza se o imaginado é menos mau do que o real.
Pelo nome, o ser imaginado pelo postador, parece o padrinho da Camorra napolitana, e na substância das ideias imaginadas é um misto entre o capitão Cabtree da série 'Alô Alô' e o Sir Humphrey Appleby da série 'yes prime minister'.
Trump quer que a Apple passe a produzir iphones na América, saindo da china.
Bom para mexican worker, i guess.
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