Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part XXVI
Peter Throw (PT) - As I told you yesterday several hours before the news were made public, Tony Sundays has left General Box of Deposits...
Donald Trump (DT ) - You were quite right, Peter... he should be arriving in the United States any time soon to become CEO of Bank of America...
PT - The persuasive powers of Mariann Deadwater are irresistible, Don...
DT - Now, tell me Peter...What went wrong with Tony Sundays at General Box of Deposits (GBD)?...
PT - He set as a condition to accept the GBD job that information on his private assets should not be made public...The Ministry of Finance, acting on behalf of the Government, accepted that condition...Last Friday Parliament overruled the Government...
DT - Is that so Peter?...It seems that Portugal and GBD are in very good shape...for MP's to be wasting their time on such a minor issue...
PT - Unfortunately... both Portugal and GBD are bankrupt... How do you think Parliament should have handled this issue, Don?
DT - Well... If Government agreed with Sundays' condition...what is agreed is agreed!...Parliament should at best put the Government on notice that next time it cannot agree on such condition...Government and Parliament are both part of the same institution, the Portuguese State...The State should set the example ...It cannot agree and then disagree...
PT - I share your view, Don ... but these people are overly legalistic, you know...more than 50% of Portuguese MP's are jurists...and they use the laws to make petty politics...not to promote the interests of the nation...
DT - Are the Portuguese people a legalistic people, Peter?
PT - No, Don...legalism is against our culture... the Catholic culture of the Portuguese people is profoundly anti-legalistic...following in the footsteps of Christ who was overwhelmingly anti-legalistic...
DT - Oh is so nice...I feel I am becoming more and more of a Catholic...I am also an anti-legalist... As I told the American people in my short vídeo presentation I'm going to scrap a lot of legislation...
PT - The Catholic Church has been in existence for more than two thousand years ...and yet all of Canon Law can be contained in a small book...As for Portuguese legislation you would need a big truck...
DT - So you are being governed by guys who turn the culture of the Portuguese people upside that what you mean, Peter?
PT - Yes...Don...that's why Portugal is ruined... as well as General Box of Deposits ... It needed four billion euros in new financing... after this episode it might need five billion...Portuguese taxpayers will bear the costs...
DT - To some extent that was, and still is, the problem in the United States, Peter ... a country being run by the counter-culture... and that's precisely what I am going to change!...
PT - ...
DT- Definitely, Peter... You need over there a Portuguese Donald Trump!...
3 comentários:
Tsk, que simplificações que para aqui vão.
Os portugueses têm enorme apreço pelas leis, é por isso que têm tantas.
Só acham é que elas são para aplicar aos outros.
"DT - Oh is so nice...I feel I am becoming more and more of a Catholic..."
"A Catholic government in a Protestant society is not a good prospect. In a democratic environment, it is clear that such government would not be re-elected. Most likely some of its members would be murdered while in office."
So Donald Trump leading the USA in his personalist, catholic style is indeed against the culture of the country and disaster will follow, is that what you are saying dear Peter Throw?
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