Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part XXV
Peter Throw (PT) - Did you notice that I sent you back Tony Coast Chick?
Donald Trump (DT) - Back!?
PT - Yes, Don ... he lived for some time in Princeton...
DT - Did he, Peter...? ...How come that I never met him...? By the way, Peter ... does he belong to the family of my great friend George Chick of the Coast...?
PT - No... Chick of the Coast and Coast Chick are from different families...
DT - I love Coast Chick's beard, Peter ...I love his beard... there are so many bearded people writing for Public!... And I love even more his distinction between representative democracy and populism...
PT - Do you, Don?... He should know what he is talking about... he was lately the Chief Researcher at the Social Sciences Intitute of the University of Lisbon ... people are top there...
DT - May I quote my favoured passage from his article in Portuguese...?
PT - Sure, Don...go ahead,...
DT - "... as instituições estão lá muitas vezes para decidir à revelia ou mesmo contra a opinião da maioria, o que, reconheçamos, está na base das democracias representativas"...
PT - ...
DT - Isn't that nice, Peter...? ... Representative democracy is a political system in which institutions are set up to decide against the will of the people... Fantastic, Peter!... That's exactly what I am going to do...
PT - Do what?
DT - Americans voted for Trump, didn't they?... So Trump will follow Hillary's political agenda...the contrary of the will of the see what I mean, Peter....?
PT - As for populism... he talks about left...right... alarvities...fascism... but I do not get from his article a clear difference between democracy and populism...
DT - He explained that to me in private yesterday evening, Peter...
PT - And what is it, Don...?
DT - When sociologists talk about populism they refer to an appeal to the heart of the people... when they talk about democracy they refer to an appeal to reason...
PT - ...
DT - ... According to Coast Chick, people live by both heart and reason... I appealed more to the heart of the American people...Hillary more to reason...
PT - How so?
DT - I talked about patriotism...the Founding love for for the people...the American Dream...whereas Hillary talked about abstract ideas... such as equality, the environment, globalization...
PT - That means that Americans preferred your personality over Hillary's ideas...
DT - That's exactly what Coast Chick taught me...
PT - What is more important, Don... heart or reason ...populism or democracy... did Coast Chick answer those questions to you?
DT - Yes, Peter, he did...The heart! ... The heart is more important than reason ...thus, populism is more important than democracy...We owe our lives much more to the heart than to reason...
PT - Is that so, Don?...
DT - Have you imagined your mother at your birth making a rational calculation of the benefits and costs you would represent to her during her lifetime ... and then deciding to keep you or not accordingly?
PT - She would have thrown me into the river...there would be no Peter Throw today...
DT - Yes, Peter... She kept you and took care of you because she loved you!...regardless of any rational calculation...
PT - Don, it's amazing the nice things you learnt in private from Coast Chick...Why didn't he write them in the article for all of us to learn?...
DT - He just forgot...I'll make him the head of the Politics section of the American Public and the Chief Researcher of Social Studies at George Mason University
PT - Are you persuaded by his explanation, Don?...
DT - Very much so, Peter...My victory was the victory of the heart over reason...of love over rationality ... the victory of persons over ideas...
PT - Do you have any emprical evidence to support that thesis, Don?
DT - Look at the electoral map of the United States, Peter... The intellectuals live in the coasts of the USA where the big American universities are located... such as Harvard and Yale on the East Coast ... UCLA and Princeton on the West Coast ...
PT - Oh yes, Don...they do know what is quality of life...
DT -... There, Hillary won...whereas I won in the much less intellectual middle-America... the America of the people...
2 comentários:
Se os tipos de Stanford descobrem que lhes chamou Princeton ...
(E, já agora, ouvi dizer que o Trump não tinha a maioria do voto popular que foi contado.)
Que grandes elites essas, que conseguem ter mais votos que o povo!... (Mas não é disso que o PA está a falar, ele está apenas no seu combate particular com o Público.)
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