22 novembro 2016


Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part XIII

Donald Trump (DT) - Peter...what is burlau ...what does that mean...?

Peter Throw (PT) - An honest man, Don...it's pronounced... ão...

DT -...au...

PT -...ão...ão...

DT - ...au...au...

PT -...ão...ão.......ão!...

DT- ..au...au.......au!...

PT - It's used in the suffix zão ...such as in Ruizão... to denote big ... strong ... impressive...

DT - Peter...do you think Ruizau would accept an offer of six million from me...?

PT- I believe so...what for?

DT - You know, Peter...I am very disgusted with my own Republican Party... as a keystone of the Trump Revolution I want to found a new party, The Free Party of America...

PT - Then you got the right man, Don...he is the founder of the Free Party of Portugal...

DT - Is he?... what a grace of God!...Did his Party elect many representatives in the last Portuguese elections?...

PT - Just one, Don...Ruizão himself...

DT - Is Ruizau a one-party-man, Peter...?...

PT - Yes...he is some sort of Louis XIV of political parties .....I am the Party!...

DT- How can he do that alone, Peter...?... What about  the funding?...

PT - He gets it from several sources...Last time he was making a manif alone at  Liberty Avenue, in Lisbon,  at 7:00 PM ...  and shouting Free!...Free!...Free!... a British tourist jumped on his back and said: "Take me to the Bethlehem Tower... I'll pay you the afterhours fare".

DT - Oh...Bethlehem...the tower very much like the Trump tower...the presidential palace... the Bethlehem pastry...Melania loves it...

PT - What kind of ideology are you planning to implement at the Free Party of America, Don...?

DT - Criticizing!...

PT - Criticizing what, Don...?

DT- Just criticizing, Peter...Criticizing everybody and everything...

PT - Ruizão seems to be good at that, indeed...

DT -We shall replace Marx and Engels' proclamation "Proletarians of the World, unite!" by Ruizau's much more impressive proclamation "Critics of the World,  unite!"...Public will be the offical newspaper of the Party...

PT - Public as the oficial newspaper of a political party, Don...?

DT - Yes...my model will be the Go Ahead! newspaper...Oh...Peter...the last time I was at the Go Ahead! Feast...eating salsichau...pau de lo... leitau... all of this made by an old communist lady named Conceiçau...

PT -...ão, Don...please...ão...

DT - Sorry, Peter... we don't have that sound in English, but I love it...neither the little wave above the a ...

PT - It's not a wave, Don...it's a tilde...

DT - OK, Peter...the first thing I will do when I get in office is to change the language...Have you read Orwell?... You cannot make a revolution without changing the meaning of the words... and creating new ones...

PT - About that you are quite right, Don... War is peace...Freedom is slavery...Ignorance is strength...

DT - By the way...does Ruizau write according the the New Orthographic Agreement?...

PT - Sure, he does...

DT - I am going to talk to the British, the Canadians, the Australians, the New Zealanders, all the peoples in the Commonwealth to replicate that in America, a New Ortographic Agreement...

PT - Are you, Don...?

DT - Portuguese will be my inspiration...dog will become cau, tradition tradicau, hand mau, summer verau...Peter, send me Ruizau fast!...

PT - Why Portuguese, Don...?

DT - Because Portuguese is the language of democracy...the traditions of a people are embodied in their language, Peter, didn't you know that!?... The Portuguese have been living in democracy since much before democracy was invented in Classical Greece, haven't they...Peter? ...

PT - OK, Don... You have persuaded me ...I will put Ruizão on board  USS Vincent tomorrow morning...the ship is already floating on the Tagus River.

3 comentários:

José Lopes da Silva disse...


Ricciardi disse...

Avé Trump:


zazie disse...

ahahah Go Ahead! newspaper.