03 maio 2012

at the supermarket

The news are spreading fast around the World.
They are flashing every 5 minutes on German and Austrian national televisions.
The Portuguese are hailed for having laid down the foundations of worldwide capitalism in the XV century.
They are now hailed for crushing it, and crushing it in the proper place - at the supermarket.
The Reichstag has been convened for an urgent meeting.
The international economic order is in jeopardy.
A can of beans worth 3.75 euros is now on sale at Sweet Drop for half the price.
There is strong international support for Agricultural Minister Assumption Crests' decision to ban supermarket promotions. 
PA (in Salzburg)

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Parte 1

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Harry Lime disse...

Any Hendricks gin?

Rui Silva

Harry Lime disse...

Any Hendricks gin?

Rui Silva

joserui disse...

O engenheiro Rui Silva, não faz a coisa por menos... comenta sempre duas vezes... que se passa engenheiro, encravou o pc (não confundir com pc)?... -- JRF