26 outubro 2010

Pravda analisa política portuguesa

After Anibal Silva came the well-meaning, well-intentioned and humanitarian António Guterres (PS), an excellent High Commissioner for Refugees and a perfect candidate for UN Secretary-General but a black hole in terms of financial mis-management. He was followed by the excellent diplomat but abominable Prime Minister José Barroso (PSD) (now President of the EU Commission) who created more problems with his discourse than he solved, passed the hot potato to Pedro Lopes (PSD), who basically never had a chance to govern, resulting in the two-term sinister horror or horrors, José Sócrates, a competent Minister of the Environment, but...

The austerity measures presented by this...gentleman... are the result of his own ineptitude as Prime Minister in the run-up to the world's latest crisis of capitalism (the one in which the world's leaders came up with three trillion dollars from one day to the next to bail out irresponsible bankers, while nothing was ever produced to pay decent pensions, healthcare programs or education projects).

And just like his predecessors, José Sócrates demonstrates an absence of emotional intelligence, allowing his ministers to practise laboratory politics and implement laboratory policies which are bound to be counter-productive. Pravda.Ru interviewed 100 civil servants whose salaries are going to be reduced. Here are the results:

They are going to cut my salary by 5%, so I will work less (94%)
They are going to cut my salary by 5%, so I will do my best to retire early, change jobs or leave the country (5%)
I agree with the sacrifice (1%)

One per cent. As for increasing taxation, the knee-jerk reaction will be for the economy to shrink even more as people start to make symbolic reductions, which multiplied by Portugal's 10 million population, will affect jobs and send the economy further back into recession. The mentally advanced idiot who dreamed up these schemes has results on a piece of paper, where they will stay. True, the measures are a clear sign to the ratings agencies that the Portuguese Government is willing to take strong measures, but at the expense, as usual, of the Portuguese people.

PS: Este texto será de gozo? Mesmo que seja, agradeço ao Elaites o link. Já não ria tanto há muito tempo...

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