20 julho 2008

a sacrificial animal

The Kantian idea of duty as the acting principle of morality is sheer stupidity when applied to practical life. Whereas Catholic morality is guided by the principle of maximizing and enhancing human life, Kant's system of morality turns man into a sacrificial animal and leads ultimately to death.

Suppose a violent man, hate in his eyes, enters my office and asks me at gunpoint: "Are you Pedro Arroja?". According to Kant's morality, I should answer categorically Yes. According to Catholic morality, my answer should be definitely No.

Suppose now that a gunman enters a shopping mall and starts firing right and left killing people by the dozens. Assume further that I am watching the scene and I have a gun. Question: "Should I kill the gunman?". According to Kant, I shouldn't. According to the Catholic Church, I should.

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