28 maio 2008


Cath people expect the elite to tell them what to think and what to do. Prot people, on the contrary, develop a sense for learning in order to be able to think for themselves and act according to their thinking.

Thinking is a precondition for action in a Prot society; orders or commands issued by the elite are the precondition for action in a Cath society. When the elite is not there, Cath people are left to themselves and that means trouble. Since they have not been educated to learn and think on their own, and since they lack the faculty of abstract thinking, they lose the sense of the future which requires the capacity of abstract thought.

Their actions tend to be guided by what is concrete and immediate - the here and the now - which is the way of thinking of the poor. If they were not poor before the elite has departed, they will become so, unless they are able to secure some external aid. Without an elite and external aid impoverishment is their fate - except for a miracle of God.

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