17 maio 2008

get ready

Some observers have remarked that within the Western world, Catholic countries are much more prone to anarchy and chaos - not to mention revolts and revolutions - than Protestant ones. This has been certainly true after the French Revolution.

The French Revolution (and the Reformation before it), was primarily an attack on the Catholic Church and culture which would soon produce its own successes in mostly Catholic countries, such as Spain (Revolution of 1808) and Portugal (1820) with a large number of echoes throughout Latin America.

If the argument of my previous post is correct, namely, if in Catholic countries there are no elites outside the Church, if the common man is not educated to search for truth and has no feeling for truth, then what was to be expected in Spain and Portugal after such revolutions when people were left orphans of guidance by the Church was anarchy and chaos. And anarchy and chaos was what really ensued. This experiment was repeated in Portugal after the Republican revolution of 1910.

It is this experiment that is being repeated again in the country although in a softer version (UE membership obliges) but with the same unavoidable consequences. When the Church is removed from the public scene, institutions are left to the care of the general population which is not educated to care for truth and has no feeling for it. It is then only a matter of time until truth collapses and its first victim is justice because there is no justice where there is no truth. The failure of the justice system will ultimately dictate the collapse of the prevailing social order because there can be no order where there is no justice.

It thus follows that if you want to gauge the sustainability of the present social order in Portugal just watch the country's justice system (including that particular system of justice that applies only to sports). If you feel good about it you should feel good about the country and its future prospects. If, on the contrary, if you feel bad about it, and you see no chance of it being reformed, then get ready for anarchy and chaos.

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