29 março 2008

deadly wrong

I have been impressed over the last few years by the number of people who long for what they call the reorganization of the political right in Portugal. They are looking for a political mouvement capable of containing the excesses and abuses of government in the economy and in society at large. They have repeatedly failed in their endeavours. Why?

Because they have neglected, if not despised and aggressed, the only institution which throughout history has shown to have the capability, the experience and the force to contain the excesses and abuses of governments. Unless they join forces with and rally around that institution they will keep failing. And yet, that institution is very much at hand. It is the Catholic Church. (See Lord Acton on this matter in this post).

In Spain, people start to understand this historical truth. In Portugal, not yet, as many right-wing intellectuals and politicians make it a point of despising and insulting the Church. Make no mistake: without an alliance with the Church you go nowhere. If you think that the liberal philosophies of Ayn Rand, Mises or Hayek are a good substitute for that alliance you are deadly wrong.

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