The fact that a society without God never existed does not prove the existence of God. It proves, though, the foolishness of the outspoken atheistic position in social thought which tries to build a society against all possible empirical evidence.
It does also prove the existence of the idea of God. Since no society has ever lived without this idea I am afraid to conclude that the idea of God is the most important and the most extraordinary idea of the human mind.
Dawkins' god, that being endowed with human features and fragilities, could never be a god. I doubt that he could even be eligible to the status of a decent human being. I thus believe that people like Dawkins are quite successful in proving the nonexistence of an impossible god.
The importance of God lies in the idea, not in its factual existence. (Actually if you were ever able to prove the existence of God It would cease that moment to be a God). The same occurs with Justice or Liberty. Can you prove the factual existence of Justice? You cannot. Do you have an idea of Justice? You certainly do and that is what matters. For it is the idea of Justice only - not its factual existence, which you cannot prove - that determines your behaviour, your decisions to act or not to act, and leads you to live and fight for a more decent, humane, better society.
Would you take me serious if I were to write a book depicting Justice as a lady dressed in white with a scale in her hands and then proving that such lady named Justice does not exist? Certainly not. Yet, would you doubt that you have an idea of Justice? You surely wouldn't. And that is all that matters. The same holds for God and in a more important way, because without the idea of God the idea of Justice would itself be impossible.
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