07 outubro 2018


The only-men, High Council of the Throw Family, meeting today, Sunday, October 7th, at the city of Valença, under the presidency of Elder Throw, with Middle Throw seating at his right-hand side, and Younger Throw at his left, has decided on THE MISSION.

Destination: St. James.

Distance: 120 Km.

Checkpoints: Porriño, Redondela, Pontevedra, Caldas de Reys, Padrón.

Departure date: Monday, October 8th, at 8:00 AM.

Planned arrival date: Saturday, October 13th, at 6:00 PM.

Means of transportation: on foot.

Women status: wives allowed.

Compulsory assignment: to attend the Pilgrims' Mass at St. James Cathedral on Sunday, October 14th, at 12:00 AM.

Purpose: to pray for the acquittal of Middle Throw at the Regional Court of Oporto.

Invited guests (subject to confirmation): Daddy Incarnation, Tony Meadow, Magistrate X, Quequé, Professor Jonathan Axe and Emily Fourhouses (to clean his tax crimes).

3 comentários:

Manel da Calçada disse...

No querias nada más?

dfrodrig disse...

what about Katy Little Rivers? She may feel left aside.

José Lopes da Silva disse...

Ministra da Saúde, Marta Alexandra Fartura Braga Temido de Almeida Simões;
