08 março 2018

the red button

The Throws were too busy to attend cerimonies today.

Actually, elder Throw was in the Portuguese capital this morning but at fourty thousand feet high in a surveillance flight aboard his F-16, while listening to the conversations between air traffic control and flights coming in and out of Lisbon airport.

He reported to younger Throw who was manouvering his ship in the Atlantic ocean near Figtreemouth:

-The Fourhouses armada is still anchored in the Tagus...

-They are staying too long...they will be late at Littlebushes...,

his brother replied.

-They must have been enjoying Lisbon girls too much  last night...

-Oh yeah... those spaniards...

They were on this casual conversation when elder Throw was struck by the communications coming out of the airport.

-Iran Air 655 ... are you ready for take off...?

-Affirmative... Iran Air 655...roger.

-You are cleared for take off ...Iran Air 655 ...

-Give me vectors...

-Climb to five thousand feet... turn right ...take flight level 22... and follow the coast...direct to Oporto...

-Roger... Iran Air 655.

Elder Throw immediately reported to his brother at the controls of USS Vincennes:

-An Iran Air plane taking off  just now... 

-Iran Air?...that's strange...

-You are right... I've never seen Iran Air flying out of Lisbon...


-Oporto...along the coast...they should be with you in about 20 minutes...


-They are now turning right and climbing ... it seems to be an Airbus A-320...

Younger Throw turned very tense at this moment.

He was now looking firmly at the radar of his ship while gently putting his finger on the red button.

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