07 março 2018

Mercedes Cuatrecasas

President DeSusa heard the news when he was dining cocido a la lusa with the admiral of the Fourhouses armada, Emily Cuatrecasas, at the Bethlehem Palace in Lisbon.

He immediately issued a Presidential decree ordering the Throw Brothers to come to Lisbon the following day to be awarded the Henry Medal for Distinguished Services to the Great Portuguese Nation.

The Presidential decree also ordered all  cameramen around the World, all journalists and foreign correspondents in the Iberian Peninsula to be present at the cerimony.

But nothing could stop Emily from telling the Portuguese President the sad story of his own Law firm.

-You know...President DeSusa...it all started with my grandfather in Barcelona a century ago...evading taxes...

-Like Al Capone?...

President De Susa asked.

-Yes...like Al Capone...grandfather Cuatrecasas committed many crimes... but he was ultimately jailed for evading taxes...

-Did you pursue the tradition?...

-Oh, yes... it was Mercedes...

-Mercedes Benz!?

-No...Mercedes Cuatrecasas...my ex-wife... she denounced me to the Tax Authorities in Barcelona...

-For treason?...

-Well...sort of... she found out that I was having an affair ...

-With a Madrid woman, I guess...

-You got it ... a beautiful female lawyer of our Madrid office...Maria del Carmen... an expert in sexual harassment criminality...

-Well...for a Barcelona woman like Mercedes that should have been a very serious crime...

-Yes, President De Susa...High Treason!...

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