A situation room was set up in the 17th floor of 942 Maitú to accomodate 232 people. President De Susa had determined that they would work everyday from 8:00 AM through 6:00 PM with a two-hour period for lunch and half an hour for a nap.
It was with this entourage that the President would appear before the TV cameras to open the first session of the proceedings to capture Peter Throw. BBC and Fox news were already in town, CNN was on his way. The session was delayed one hour and a half because the peak of audiences in Argentina usually occurs around 9:30 AM.
President De Susa - Pope Francis on his right-hand side -, then made a declaration about how important it was for World safety to capture Peter Throw. He then read a long list of crimes imputed to Peter Throw by the Portuguese Public Ministry which was supplied to him by the Attorney General.
The World was impressed. At home the Portuguese people were proud. They already had the greatest football player in the World. They would now also have the greatest criminal. They felt proud and comfortable as President De Susa was personally in charge to capture him. The President's popularity skyrocketed in the polls.
Once the cameras left and the Pope said good-bye, doors were closed and the 232-people assembly got down to business. First in the agenda was to devise a strategic plan to get Peter Throw.
Tony Wolf, Christian Ronald' lawyer, and the Christian Ronald of the lawyers, also a member of the Portuguese State Council, and for many years a protagonist of the popular TV show "Squaring the Circle", asked the President to make a proposal, which he read from a paper:
"Atendendo à importante missão que aqui viemos desempenhar, para o país e para o Mundo, fazendo deslocar do aconchego dos seus lares e do seu ganha-pão diário tão importantes personalidades - e de tão modestos recursos -, representativas dos três poderes do Estado Democrático de Direito - o Legislativo, o Executivo e o Judicial; atendendo ainda à carestia de vida na Argentina onde um simples jantar de bife de chorizo sem vinho - sem vinho, peço o favor de notarem - pode chegar aos 50 pesos argentinos, equivalente a mais, muito mais de cinco unidades da moeda única europeia, proponho que a primeira decisão a ser tomada pelos membros desta ilustre missão seja sobre as ajudas de custo, isto é, o per diem que será pago pelo Estado português, a título compensatório, a cada um dos seus membros por cada dia de trabalho. O per diem será isento de impostos e a minha própria sociedade de advogados se oferece para tratar do assunto. Temos o Ronaldo no currículo".
The proposal was approved by acclamation.
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