23 novembro 2016

Bilateral agreements

Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Thow, Part XVI

Peter Throw (PT) - Now let's discuss you policy priorites...starting with...Bilateral Agreements...

Donald Trump (DT) - Yes, I favour bilateral agreements on trade over multilateral agreements...

PT - Are you scrapping all the multilateral agreements such as TPP...?

DT - Yes, Peter... most of them...

PT - Why, Don?

DT - Look Peter, if I need to import tulips into the United States, I shall make a bilateral agreement with the Netherlands which does produce and export tulips...why should the 27 other EU nations be involved, if they do not export tulips?...

PT - Indeed... that would be a waste of time...

DT - If we need cork we will negotiate a bilateral trade agreement with Portugal... why should the other nations in the World be involved if they do not produce cork?...

PT - ...that would be a waste of time and a source of complexity and conflict..the Germans who want to export Mercedes to the US will get in the way...and make the Portuguese exports of cork to the US dependent of their exportation of Mercedes...

DT - If we need unbiased journalists in America... because the NYT guys are not doing their job... I make an agreement with the Portuguese Public...Why should all the newspapers and their governments in the World be involved if all of them are biased?...

PT - You seem quite convincing, Don...

DT - By the way, Peter...is USS Vincent still stationed on Tagus?...

PT - Yes...the US marines are enjoying themselves in downtown Lisbon...running after Portuguese girls...eating codfish and drinking red wine...

DT- Oh Peter,... bacalau... vino tinto ...why is red wine so cheap in Portugal, Peter?...

PT - It's the catholic drink par excellence...Christ drank red wine at the Last Supper...

DT - OK Peter, if USS Vincent is still there...please, put Warrior...Peter Warrior...on board...

PT - What do you want him for, Don?

DT- To head the War Section of the American Public...

PT - Warrior says that you are flip-flapping...do you still flip-flap at your age, Don...?

DT - Yes, Peter...I flip-flap for two hours every morning at the gym...and then I do some flip-flapping with Melania for fourty minutes or so every day before dinner...

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