28 fevereiro 2015

os monólogos não são inclusivos

Meanwhile, the cultural left has disengaged from mainstream political arguments, preferring instead the comforts of identity-politics argy-bargy. You judge political movements not by their manifestos but by where they put their passion. And on the left these days, the only things that arouse passion are arguments about race and gender.
For instance, the feminist agitprop drama “The Vagina Monologues” is now under fire from the left because it is not inclusive of men who believe they are women. Patricia Arquette was criticized from the right for her Oscar acceptance rant about women’s wage equality, but the criticism paled in comparison to the bile from the left, which flayed her for leaving out the plight of the transgendered and other members of the Coalition of the Oppressed.

Jonah Goldberg

Comentário: É muito divertido ler que "Os Monólogos da Vagina" é uma peça reacionária por excluir os homens que acreditam ser mulheres.

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