The fact is that Obamacare has stalled because the liberal vision of the 19th-century of government as benevolent Leviathan has crashed head-on into 21st-century reality.
The Wall Street Journal's Daniel Henninger captured it well with this observation last week: "Even if you are a liberal and support the goals of the Affordable Care Act, there has to be an emerging sense that maybe the law's theorists missed a signal from life outside the castle walls. While they troweled brick after brick into a 2,000-page law, the rest of the world was reshaping itself into smaller, more nimble units whose defining metaphor is the 140-character Twitter message."
Simply put, the digitization of social interaction, economic transaction, the political process and everything in between is decentralizing the world, moving it in the opposite direction of the massive centralization of Obamacare. But nobody needs a federal bureaucrat to tell him what health insurance to buy when anybody with an Internet connection can simultaneously solicit bids from thousands of competing providers, pay the winner via electronic fund transfers, manage the claims process with a laptop, consult with physicians and other medical specialists via email, and even be operated on remotely by surgeons on the other side of the globe. Rather than imposing a top-down, command-economy, welfare-state health care model with roots in Otto von Bismarck's Germany of 1881, a 21st-century government would ask what is needed to apply to health care access the Internet's boundless capacity to empower individual choice.
Washington Examiner Editorial
Comentário: É exactamente isto que também se está a passar em Portugal. O choque entre uma concepção do Estado típica do Séc. XIX e a realidade do Séc. XXI.
Ainda, na minha opinião, é este choque que está na origen dos confrontos sociais na Turquia e no Brasil.
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